Mabi Easy Way to Get Cheaper Leather


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Dabunny's Homestead Guide

A homestead: a house, a farm, a garden, a hangout, a meeting place, a creative place? There are so many things that your homestead can be! What it is, how it will look, and what you do is all up to you. Mabinogi is your fantasy life, and your homestead is one of the greatest parts! This is a level-by-level guide to the wonder that is your homestead!

The first step to having a homestead is getting to level 10. At level 10, you will get a quest and a ticket to create your homestead. Once you're level 10, you can click the homestead Information button at the bottom of the screen (hotkey: U) and create your homestead.

When you pick the location for your homestead, it will ALWAYS be that location. Items on the homestead can be location-specific, so think long and hard about where you want your homestead.

*Example: In the Ruairi Server, the most common homestead location is Uladh.

Basics To Live By

  1. Your homestead requires a great deal of work, and even if you buy everything to make things on your homestead, you still won't level it unless you put effort into it yourself.
  2. There are daily chores on the homestead that take about 5 minutes total if you are by Cobh, longer if you need to travel to Cobh.
  3. For newer players, you will often need to rely on friends to help you with your homestead to make it truly great.
  4. Your partner pets can help you if they are a high enough disposition, so save about 10 minutes of their summon time for the homestead.
  5. Part-time jobs are your best friend.
  6. You don't need pets to have the best homestead, but they help a lot.
  7. Kon is like experience points for the homestead, and you want a lot of it!

The Buttons To Know

  1. The Top Left Buttons:

    Directly under your skill hotkeys, there is a button with a house and button with a hammer.

  2. The House Button:

    This is also called the edit button. It allows you to move things around on your homestead, delete items, turn an item, and grant access to other players for tools, herbs, and other usable items. It opens a grid-like pattern so you can see how much space an item takes up and how much space you have left. Click the edit button to enter or leave edit mode.

  3. The Hammer Button:

    This is also called the build button. It opens up a menu with tabs and all the items you can build.

  4. The Bottom Right Button:

    To the right of the bottom main menu bar is the exit button. This button allows you to leave your homestead.

Two Menus To Learn

Image demonstrating buttons and GUI for the Homestead. An image of a green house and white hammer are located on the top right, and on the bottom left, is an exit button.

Top Right Corner Menu:

The name of your homestead is displayed at the top. Mine is called "The Rabbit Den." It makes sense if you think about it because my name is Dabunny! Below the name is your homestead level. To the right of the level is your total Kon. Below this is a bar much like the player experience bar, except it shows your current homestead level instead of your character's level. Fill it up and your homestead will level! Down a tiny bit and to the right is the current experience of your homestead and the total experience needed to reach the next level. Below the words "Homestead Stone" is a number. This number is how many homestead stones you have. As you can see, I have 171 stones left in this picture. Below the words "Total Maintenance Costs" is what the cost of maintenance for your homestead is. My cost is only 1 at this time.

The Build Menu:

The build menu

The build menu has multiple tabs to click and scroll through. Below the tabs are items you can build based on your homestead level. The higher your homestead level, the more you can build! On the top right side of the menu is an explanation of the item and any bonuses it gives in blue. Below the explanation is "Time Spent," which tells you how long it takes to build the item. Some build times can be shortened if you have other items on your homestead with bonus effects. Then there is the "Required Material" box. This shows what materials you need to make the item. If it is empty, you need Pon Coin(s) which can be purchased in the Cash Shop. All items can be made with Pon Coins or the required materials, except the house. Below this is the Maintenance Fee, which tells you what it will cost to keep the items on your homestead. The bottom three buttons allow you to use Pon to create the item, use materials to create the item, or close the menu.

Rotating and Relocating Items

The mini tip popup picture

First, click the edit button and then click the item you wish to change. Click the "Move" button from the window that pops up. Click a new location to move the item. You can rotate an item by clicking "Move" and then the "Page Up" key on the keyboard to rotate 90 degrees clockwise or the "Page Down" key on the keyboard to rotate it 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Luckily, there is a mini popup each time as a reminder.

Mining Homestead Stones

This is the homestead stone with stones in it.

The first thing you should do on your homestead is mine the homestead stone with a pickaxe to gather resources.

This is the homestead stone when it has no stones left.

You can mine the homestead stone 10 times successfully. You can get a lucky finish and get 1 bonus stone each lucky finish (2 total). Or you could get a huge lucky finish and get 19 bonus stones each huge lucky finish (20 total).

This is what the tent will look like

*Bunny's Note*
The homestead stone replenishes at 12:00 a.m. PST (7:00 a.m. GMT).

If you have a partner pet of 80 or higher disposition with a pickaxe equipped, your pet can mine homestead stones with you and you can get a base of 20 stones without any lucky finishes. The next step is to build your house! It will only be a tent/igloo at this point, but it will get much bigger later on. Find it under the Build Menu under the "Buildings" tab. The design of your home will change depending on the region you chose. Tents are the starting point for Connous and Uladh homesteads, while igloos are built in Physis homesteads.

*Bunny's Note*
You can only have 1 home on the homestead. The tab will be blank after you make the tent unless you delete your home. If you delete your home after you upgrade it, it will start as a tent again.

Ew, Brown

You can paint your home, fences, and several other objects on your homestead. Mixing a can of paint requires the Handicraft skill and several ingredients: 1 fish of any type, 1 bottle of water, 10 herbs of the same type, and the use of 5 mana points. The color of the herbs selected will determine color of the paint can. There are eight basic paints made with the eight herbs, including garbage herbs (black paint). It should be noted that Antidote herbs are not useful as paint ingredients.

Once you place your home, your homestead should level up!

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE HOMESTEAD LEVEL TWO!! Wasn't that easy? Your homestead will now grow larger and you can build more stuff!

Getting Into Your Very Own Space

Now that you are level two, you get to start to personalize your homestead! Here is what you unlocked under each tab now that you are level two:

Product Tab

Products Price(pon coins) Features
Homestead Stone (second one) 100 None
Steam Oven (for alchemy) 30
  • Used for creating crystals for alchemy
  • Can be set to let others use this tool
Dry Oven (for alchemy) 30
  • Used for Synthesis, Metal Conversion, and Fragmentation
  • Can be set to let others use this tool

Farmland Tab

Products Pon Coins (optional) Homestead Stones
Field 2 10

Ornament Tab

Ornaments Price (pon coins)
Cherry Blossom Tree 20
Cookie Tree 15
Star (Blue) 10
Star (Red) 10
Star (Yellow) 10
Small Star (Blue) 10
Small Star (Red) 10
Small Star (Yellow) 10
City Lamp (Red) 10
City Lamp (Orange) 10
City Lamp (Yellow) 10
City Lamp (Green) 10
City Lamp (Blue) 10
City Lamp (Navy Blue) 10
City Lamp (Purple) 10

Animal Tab

Animal Pon Coins (optional) Features
Sheep 30
  • Used for the sheep shearing skill
  • Produces Wool
  • Can be set to allow others to use this animal

*Bunny's Note*

You can have 5 of each type of animal, and each animal will produce ten production items. The animals reset at 12:00 a.m. PST (7:00 a.m. GMT).

The easiest (and cheapest) way to level your homestead at this point is to purchase a field and plant some crops! The field is found under the build menu's "Farmland" tab.

This is what a field looks like
This field is 7x7

*Bunny's Tip For Level Two*
This is where one of your daily chores comes in! In Cobh, there is a man in blue between the fish seller and weapon shop. You should see a red female giant by him. This NPC is named Madoc. Every day, he has a request for you. If you complete it, you get two homestead stones as a reward! The quest is always to find 5 large nails. If you hit the sign in Cobh that is next to the personal shop area that tells you that you can earn 10,000,000 gold in this shop area, it sometimes drops two items at once. It also seems to have a higher drop rate than signs in other towns. Talk to Madoc again with the nails in your inventory, and complete the quest. He will take the nails and you get your homestead stones! They automatically move to your homestead, so you don't have to do anything messy to add them. Hey would you look at that? The field costs two homestead stones! So for just a tiny bit of running to Cobh, some stamina to hit the sign, and a few button pushes, you get a free field pretty much. Pretty nifty if you ask me!

Photo of Madoc
The sign to hit

At level two, you can only plant strawberry seeds. You can get them from the goblins in Ciar Dungeon in Tir Chornaill or Barri Dungeon in Bangor on normal difficulty. Goblins also drop tomato seeds for level three, so save those. If you don't want to go fight for your seeds, you can also take a part-time job from the grocery store! Caitlin in Tir Chornaill, Glenis in Dunbarton, and Fraser in Emain Macha can all give you the grocery store part-time job. The seeds are a reward for finishing the job successfully, but the seeds you get are random and there are 5 types. It may take some time to get a specific type of seed you're looking for, and this is why I recommend doing the dungeons for strawberry and tomato seeds. If you find yourself struggling to finish the dungeon alone, don't be afraid to ask your friends for help.

Planting Seeds for Experience

There is a lot to explain about crops! I'll try to make this painless.

Crops are worth a base amount of Kon, or homestead experience points. At level 2 homestead, your only worry is strawberry seeds and their Kon. Strawberries yield 200 Kon per harvest and take 60 minutes to grow.

*Bunny's Note*
All crops take 3 homestead stones to grow.

*Bunny's Note for Later Levels*
You can earn more Kon for things such as the wheelbarrows and the scarecrow per harvest regardless of seed type.

Well, 60 minutes is a long time it seems. Don't worry! You can make your crops grow faster by equipping an instrument and using the "Playing Instrument" skill. The crops will dance and grow faster if you play the song correctly. If a song is too easy or you play the song wrong, the crops won't grow even though they dance. This gives you Playing Instrument experience as well -- a nice bonus, right? The higher your playing rank, the faster the crops grow.

Crop Growth Stages

Dancing crops

Just Planted:
Just planted

Second Stage:
Second stage

Third Stage:
Third stage

Fully Grown:
Fully grown

Next up is the Crop Menu. When you click on your field, a menu pops up. Like the Build Menu, a lot is going on, so I'll explain.

The Crop Menu

The crop menu

All the crops are visible on this menu, but not all will be available to plant when starting off. There are six levels of crops you can unlock. These are unlocked by leveling your homestead. Each time your homestead levels up another crop will unlock, until the homestead reaches level 6. The pumpkin is the last and most valuable crop on the list.

To the right from the top down, you can see: the crop's name, and description of the crop, the time required to grow the crop (without a bonus from Playing Instrument), and the materials required to plant the crop without Pons and the alternative cost in Pons, and the tax (similar to maintenance costs). As with the build menu, there is both a Use Pon and Create button available for planting the crops.

To harvest the crops (only after they finish growing), click the field again and this menu will pop up:


Click the harvest button and you're done! You get your Kon and the field is automatically ready for new crops.

*Bunny's Tips*

  • Plant crops all at once!
  • Plant multiple fields, THEN play music for them. It sometimes takes multiple tries to play a song correctly so the crops grow, and that is just wasted time if you don't plant all the seeds you can at once.
  • Have two fields:
    • Part time jobs give you two seeds, so I recommend having two fields to plant both seeds at once. It just makes it easier to level and grow your homestead, but keep in mind that two fields do take up a large amount of space.

Continue growing crops until you are level three!

Congratulations on level three! You just unlocked a whole bunch of new items, so let me make you another handy-dandy list:

Product Tab

Products Common Leather Straps Firewood Homestead Stones Building stones Pon Coins (optional) Bonus Effect Features
Desert Well * 10 5 7 2 30 Reduces time spent to grow crops
  • Produces bottle of water (must have empty bottle equipped)
  • Can be set to let others use this tool
Snowfield Well * 10 5 7 2 30 Reduces time spent to grow crops
  • Produces bottle of water (must have empty bottle equipped)
  • Can be set to let others use this tool
Well * 10 5 7 2 30 Reduces time spent to grow crops
  • Produces bottle of water (must have empty bottle equipped)
  • Can be set to let others use this tool

* Depends upon your homestead location

Ornament Tab

Ornament Homestead Stone Firewood Large Nails Building Stone Pon Coins (optional) Bonus Effect
Cactus 1 0 0 0 10 3 Kon per day
Desert Grass 1 0 0 0 10 1 Kon per day
Desert Tree 1 3 0 0 0 15 Increase nearby Base Herbs gathered (one block HAS to touch the tree blocks)
Fence 1 2 2 0 10 N/A
Fence (Finishing) 1 2 2 0 10 N/A
Japanese Cedar Tree 3 0 0 0 15 Bonus Effect: Increases production success rate of nearby furnaces and anvils (One block HAS to touch the tree blocks and only one tree's bonus effects will count)
Prairie Grass 1 0 0 0 10 3 Kon per day
Prairie Tree 3 0 0 0 15 Increases nearby base herbs gathered (one block HAS to touch the tree blocks)
Shrub Tree 1 0 0 0 10 3 Kon per day
Snowfield Tree 1 1 0 0 0 15 Increases nearby base herbs gathered (one block HAS to touch the tree blocks)
Snowfield Fence 1 2 2 0 10 N/A
Snowfield Fence (finishing) 1 2 2 0 5 N/A
Speedwell 1 0 0 0 10 1 Kon per day
Stone Fence 1 0 0 1 10 N/A
Stone Fence (finishing) 1 0 0 1 5 N/A

You also unlock the tomato crop at level three! They're the same as strawberries, only they take 1 hour and 30 minutes to grow and you get 220 Kon. Tomatoes cost 14 Pon Coins.

*Bunny's Tip*
Your homestead is still really small at this point? You can get decorations for your homestead, but I really don't recommend it at this point, since at level four your homestead will get bigger. If you DO want to get some bonuses or Kon for building these items, I would suggest an item that gives extra Kon daily such as the flowers. The well doesn't do much to reduce the time spent for the crops to grow, but it looks nice.

Setting up The Well

While I don't recommend the well at this level (the next level when you have a little more room is when I recommend it), I thought I better explain a bit about setting it up in case you do decide to get it. You can always come back and re-read if/when you decide to make one. This is one of those items that, as a nice person, you want to set up for everyone to use. You don't run out of water, so what is the harm in doing it? It takes a few seconds and it makes people happy!

Click the edit button and click on your well. Now click "View Information" and this should show up:

Desert Well

The checked box is the one that is selected. Simply click the "Anyone" box and your well is ready to go! Then hit the "Close" button and re-click the edit button.

*Decorating Tips from Bunny*
For extra Kon and a nice touch, you can make a shrub "fence" to hide unsightly things on your homestead. I did this for my stones. It takes three shrubs (3 Homestead Stones) to hide one stone or 2x2 item, but only 4 shrubs to hide two 2x2 items. Here are a few pictures of how I did it:

Shrubs used to create a fence and hide stones.
Shrubs used to create a fence and hide stones in full view.  3 Shrubs are used to hide one stone.
 This image includes gridlines to show how much space the shrub and stone fence uses.

Getting Common Leather Straps

Kobolds in Math Dungeon drop common leather pretty often. Sadly, it is a lot harder to make the strap than to get the leather. To make the strap, equip a gathering knife and use a spinning wheel. If this proves too hard, most players are friendly enough to help, especially those who have the tailoring talent active! You can ask friends for help, but you will likely have to get the leather and gathering knife for them.


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